In [1]:
import re
import glob
from IPython.core.display import Image

A Practical View of Spectrum Sensing Methods

Tomaž Šolc

Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


Measurement setup

(cf. notebook p. 697)

In [2]:
Image(filename='figures/experiment-setup.png', width="100%")

  • Rohde & Schwarz SMBV100A vector signal generator,

    • Analog FM modulation set up with IEEE Soft Speaker wireless microphone model,
    • ARB mode for noise generation
  • Mini-Circuits 50 ohm 30 dB attenuator,

  • coaxial cable

    • 60 cm LMR-195 ULTRAFLEX
    • connected as shown by solid line for measurements using USRP,
    • connected as shown by dashed line for measurements using SNE-ISMTV
  • USRP N200 with SBX daughterboard
    • Motherboard: N200r4 (F4B959)
    • Daughterboard: SBX (F4D075, TX/RX, A:0)
    • mid-point gain of 19.0 dB
  • VESNA sensor node
    • Sensor Node Core VESNA-SNC-STM32 V1.1.1-240412-01085
    • Sensor Node Expansion SNE-ISMTV-UHF V1.1.3-proto-00005
    • vesna-spectrum-sensor firmware, version 7c0340
  • laptop

Methods evaluated

In the following, each method is marked with an abbreviation as follows:

  • ED energy detector,
  • CAV covariance absolute value,
  • CFN covariance Frobenius norm,
  • MAC maximum auto-correlation,
  • MME maximum-to-minimum eigenvalue detector,
  • EME energy to minimum eigenvalue detector,
  • AGM arithmetic to geometric mean detector and
  • MET maximum eigenvalue to trace detector.
  • SCF cyclostationary detector using spectral correlation function.

Choice of USRP sampling settings

Three settings for the USRP were chosen:

  • $t_s$ = 25.0 ms, $f_s$ = 1 MHz, $N_s$ = 25 kSamples

    Low-end embedded profile. Limited by the ADC performance and available RAM for ADC buffer. This is expected to be the maximum performance using single 1 MHz ADC on a STM32 microcontroller with 100 kB of RAM.

  • $t_s$ = 12.5 ms, $f_s$ = 2 MHz, $N_s$ = 25 kSamples

    High-end embedded profile. Limited by the ADC performance and available RAM for ADC buffer. This is expected to be the maximum performance using dual 1 MHz ADC in interleaved mode on a STM32 microcontroller with 100 kB of RAM.

  • $t_s$ = 10.0 ms, $f_s$ = 10 MHz, $N_s$ = 100 kSamples

    Profile for a high-performance CPU and SDR front-end.

Choice of SNE-ISMTV sampling settings

SNE-ISMTV contains an analog energy detector. Sampling rate is fixed at $f_{sSNE}$.

In [3]:
fsSNE = 1/6.8e-6

print "fsSNE = ", fsSNE

fsSNE =  147058.823529

To get comparable results with the USRP measurements, the number of samples was chosen so that the sensing time with SNE was approximately equal to the USRP sensing time.

In [4]:
ts = array([25.0e-3, 12.5e-3, 10.0e-3])

NsSNE = numpy.round(ts*fsSNE)
print "NsSNE =", NsSNE

NsSNE = [ 3676.  1838.  1471.]

Choice of signal waveform

The signal we attempted to detect was the IEEE Wireless Microphone simulation method, using the Soft Speaker profile.

IEEE Wireless Microphone simulation method simulates a transmission from a analog FM wireless microphone using an FM modulated sine wave:

$x(t) = A\cos\left[2\pi f_c t + 2 \pi \Delta f \int_0^t sin\left( 2\pi f_m u du\right) \right]$

$\Delta f = 15 \mathrm{kHz}$

$f_m = 3.9 \mathrm{kHz}$

The carrier frequency $f_c$ was 864 MHz for USRP (frequency for unlicensed operation of wireless microphones in Europe) and 850 MHz for SNE-ISMTV (frequency nearest to 864 MHz supported by the hardware).

Measuring signal attenuation

Total attenuation in the cable, connectors and the 30 dB attenuator was measured using a R&S FSV spectrum analyzer. All equipment was left to warm-up for at least 2 hours before all measurements.

In [5]:
Image(filename='figures/power_measurement.png', width="100%")


Figure above shows input power measured by the signal analyzer when the signal generator output is was set to -40 dBm.

In [6]:
Att = 71.53 - 40
print "Att =", Att, "dBm"

Att = 31.53 dBm

Comparison of probability of detection $P_d$

In this experiment we measured the lowest signal power $P_{in}$ detectable with a spectrum sensing method at a chosen minimum probability of detection $P_{dmin}$.

In [7]:
Pdmin = 0.9

Since in this controlled laboratory setup the noise power $P_{noise}$ remains constant for the chosen hardware configuration, the signal power directly relates to the signa-to-noise ratio (SNR)

$SNR = \frac{P_{in}}{P_{noise}}$

Here we assume that the coaxial cable and all equipment is well shielded, so that is no external interference. We also assume that the temperature and other factors affecting internal receiver noise do not change during the course of the experiment.

Calculating threshold

Before we can determine the probability of detection for a method we have to calcuate its detection threshold $\gamma_0$.

A probability of false alarm $P_{fa}$ was chosen.

In [8]:
Pfa = 0.1

Given $P_{fa}$ we can determine $\gamma_0$ from $\gamma$ complementary cumulative density function (CCDF) for the given detector with no input signal.

To measure the distribution of $\gamma$, the RF output of the generator was switched off and $N_p$ measurements of $\gamma$ taken for each of the chosen detectors.

In [9]:
Np = 1000

Given these measurements we approximate the CCDF and determine the value of $\gamma_0$ by interpolation.

In [10]:
def get_ccdf(x):
    xs = array(x)
    N = float(len(xs))
    P = arange(N)/N
    return xs, P

def get_gamma0(gammaN):
    gammaN, Pd = get_ccdf(gammaN)
    gamma0 = interp(1. - Pfa, Pd, gammaN)
    return gamma0

For example, energy detector using USRP with $f_s=1\mathrm{MHz}$ and $N_s=25000\mathrm{samples}$ yields the following value for the threshold:

In [11]:
gammaN = loadtxt("../simout-noisecomp-test/dat/sim_usrp_micsoft_fs1mhz_Ns25ks_ed_off.dat")
gamma0 = get_gamma0(gammaN)

gammaNs, Pd = get_ccdf(gammaN)
plot(gammaNs, 1.-Pd)
plot([gamma0, gamma0], [0, 1], 'b--')
plot([2e-5, 3e-5], [Pfa, Pfa], 'b--')
axis([2e-5, 3e-5, 0, 1])

In [12]:
print "gamma0 =", gamma0, "@ Pfa =", Pfa

gamma0 = 2.81834418274e-05 @ Pfa = 0.1

Calculating probability of detection

To determine how the probability of detection changes with SNR, the signal generator was swept through a number of power settings. For each generator power setting $P_g$, $N_p$ measurements of $\gamma$ were taken for each of the chosen spectrum sensing methods.

In [13]:
def iterate_campaign(path):
    for fn in glob.glob(path):
        g ="_m([0-9_]+)dbm\.dat$", fn)
        if g:
            Pg = -float('_', '.'))
            gamma = loadtxt(fn)
            yield Pg, gamma

print "Pg =", array(sorted(Pg for Pg, gamma 
        in iterate_campaign("../simout-noisecomp-test/dat/sim_usrp_micsoft_fs1mhz_Ns25ks_ed_*.dat")))

Pg = [-100.  -99.  -98.  -97.  -96.  -95.  -94.  -93.  -92.  -91.  -90.  -89.
  -88.  -87.  -86.  -85.  -84.  -83.  -82.  -81.  -80.  -79.  -78.  -77.
  -76.  -75.  -74.  -73.  -72.  -71.]

If $P_g$ is the output power of the calibrated signal generator, then

$P_{in}$ = $P_g$ - $A$

Probability of detection $P_d$ is calculated for each $P_{in}$ and each method by counting the number of $\gamma$ measurements that were above the calculated threshold $\gamma_0$.

In [14]:
def get_campaign_g(path, gamma0):
    Pg = []
    Pd = []
    for Pg0, gamma in iterate_campaign(path):
        Pd.append(mean(gamma > gamma0))
    Pg = array(Pg)
    Pd = array(Pd)
    Pga = Pg.argsort()
    Pd = Pd[Pga]
    Pg = Pg[Pga]
    return Pg, Pd
def get_campaign(path, gamma0):
    Pg, Pd = get_campaign_g(path, gamma0)
    Pin = Pg - Att
    return Pin, Pd

def get_Pinmin(path, Pdth=Pdmin):
    gamma0 = None
    for fn in glob.glob(path):
        if fn.endswith("_off.dat"):
            gammaN = loadtxt(fn)
            gamma0 = get_gamma0(gammaN)
    Pin, Pd = get_campaign(path, gamma0)
    Pinmin = interp(Pdth, Pd, Pin)
    return Pinmin

Given minimum $P_d$, $P_{dmin}$, the minimum signal power $P_{inmin}$ for the spectrum sensing method can be determined from measurements using interpolation.

For example, for energy detector using USRP:

In [15]:
Pinmin = get_Pinmin("../simout-noisecomp-test/dat/sim_usrp_micsoft_fs1mhz_Ns25ks_ed_*.dat")
print "Pinmin =", Pinmin, "@ Pdmin =", Pdmin

Pinmin = -117.007941176 @ Pdmin = 0.9

In [16]:
Pin, Pd = get_campaign("../simout-noisecomp-test/dat/sim_usrp_micsoft_fs1mhz_Ns25ks_ed_*.dat", gamma0)
plot(Pin, Pd, 'o-')
plot([Pinmin, Pinmin], [0, 1], 'b--')
x1, x2, y1, y2 = axis()
plot([x1, x2], [Pdmin, Pdmin], 'b--')
xlabel("$P_{in}$ [dBm]")

Comparing minimum detectable power

Comparing $P_{inmin}$ for different methods.

Covariance based method were tested with different smoothing factors $L \in \{5, 10, 15, 20\}$

In [30]:
method_ps = set()
for path in glob.glob("../simout-noisecomp-test2/dat/sim_usrp_micsoft_*.dat"):
    g ="ks_(.*)_m", path)
    if g:
method_ps = sorted(method_ps)

In [31]:
def get_batch_Pinmin_permethod(path, Pdth=Pdmin):
    Pinmin_permethod = {}
    for method_p in method_ps:
        path2 = path.replace("*", "%s_*" % (method_p,))
        Pinmin_permethod[method_p] = get_Pinmin(path2, Pdmin)
    return Pinmin_permethod

In [44]:
from matplotlib import cm

def plot_comparisson(Pinmin_permethod, methods):
    cmap = cm.get_cmap('gist_rainbow')

    left = []
    height = []
    labels = []
    colors = []

    #methods = ['ed', 'scf', 'cav', 'cfn', 'mac', 'mme', 'eme', 'agm', 'met']
    #methods = ['ed', 'cav', 'ccav', 'mac', 'cmac']

    left1 = 0.
    for n, method in enumerate(methods):
        if method == 'ed':
            method_ps = [ 'ismtv', 'ed']
        elif method == 'scf':
            method_ps = ["scf_Np%d" % scfNp for scfNp in [64, 128]]
            method_ps = [ "%s_l%d" % (method, l) for l in xrange(5, 25, 5) ]
        for m, method_p in enumerate(method_ps):
                Pinmin = Pinmin_permethod[method_p]
            except KeyError:
            if method_p == 'ed':
                label = 'ED (USRP)'
            elif method_p == 'ismtv':
                label = 'ED (ISMTV)'
                label = method_p.upper()
                label = re.sub("_L(\d+)", r" $L=\1$", label)
                label = re.sub("_NP(\d+)", r" $N'=\1$", label)

            c = cmap(float(n)/(len(methods)-1) + m*.007)
            # Color
            # BW
            left1 += 1.
        left1 += .9
    height = array(height)
    left = array(left)

    # print
    #figure(figsize=(13, 5))
    # screen
    figure(figsize=(12, 5))
    for x, y in zip(left, height):
        text(x+.4, y-1.5, "%.1f" % y, horizontalalignment="center", rotation=80, backgroundcolor='w')
    #o = 100
    #bar(left, -height-o, color=colors, bottom=o)
    bar(left, height, color=colors)
    xticks(left+.4, labels, rotation=60, horizontalalignment='right')
    ylabel("$P_{in}$ [dBm] @ $P_d = 0.9$")
    #ylim(100, 118)
    ylim(-130, -100)
    xlim(-.5, left1-.5)
    # legend
    yi = -129
    for si, ei, label in [[0,2,"energy"], 
                          [20,32,"covariance eigenvalue"]]:
        #x1 = left[si]
        #x2 = left[ei-1]+.8
        #plot([x1,x2], [yi,yi], 'k')
        #plot([x1,x1], [yi-.5,yi+.5], 'k')
        #plot([x2,x2], [yi-.5,yi+.5], 'k')
        #text((x1+x2)/2., yi+.8, label, horizontalalignment="center", backgroundcolor='w')

Lower detectable power is better

In [45]:
Pinmin_permethod_25ms = get_batch_Pinmin_permethod("../simout-noisecomp-test2/dat/sim_usrp_micsoft_fs1mhz_Ns25ks_*.dat")
Pinmin_permethod_25ms['ismtv'] = get_Pinmin("../measurements/pd/sneismtv/sim_sneismtv_micsoft_fs0mhz_Ns3ks_ed_n3676_*.dat")

methods = ['ed', 'scf', 'cav', 'cfn', 'mac', 'mme', 'eme', 'agm', 'met']
plot_comparisson(Pinmin_permethod_25ms, methods)
title("$t=25.0$ms (USRP @ $f_s=1$MHz, $N_s=25$ksamples, SNE-ISMTV @ $f_s=147$kHz, $N_s=3676$samples)");

#savefig("figures/pin_min_comparison_25ms.png", dpi=300)

In [46]:
Pinmin_permethod_25ms = get_batch_Pinmin_permethod("../simout-noisecomp-test2/dat/sim_usrp_micsoft_fs1mhz_Ns25ks_*.dat")
Pinmin_permethod_25ms['ismtv'] = get_Pinmin("../measurements/pd/sneismtv/sim_sneismtv_micsoft_fs0mhz_Ns3ks_ed_n3676_*.dat")

methods = ['ed', 'scf', 'ccav', 'ccfn', 'cmac', 'cmme', 'ceme', 'cagm', 'cmet']
plot_comparisson(Pinmin_permethod_25ms, methods)
title("$t=25.0$ms (USRP @ $f_s=1$MHz, $N_s=25$ksamples, SNE-ISMTV @ $f_s=147$kHz, $N_s=3676$samples, noise compensation)");

#savefig("figures/pin_min_comparison_25ms.png", dpi=300)

With a higher sampling rate, performance seems to decrease. Probably because less of the signal is covered with 25.000 samples.

In [47]:
Pinmin_permethod_13ms = get_batch_Pinmin_permethod("../simout-noisecomp-test2/dat/sim_usrp_micsoft_fs2mhz_Ns25ks_*.dat")
Pinmin_permethod_13ms['ismtv'] = get_Pinmin("../measurements/pd/sneismtv/sim_sneismtv_micsoft_fs0mhz_Ns3ks_ed_n1838_*.dat")

methods = ['ed', 'scf', 'cav', 'cfn', 'mac', 'mme', 'eme', 'agm', 'met']
plot_comparisson(Pinmin_permethod_13ms, methods)
title("$t=12.5$ms (USRP @ $f_s=2$MHz, $N_s=25$ksamples, SNE-ISMTV @ $f_s=147$kHz, $N_s=1838$samples)");

#savefig("figures/pin_min_comparison_13ms.png", dpi=300)

In [48]:
Pinmin_permethod_13ms = get_batch_Pinmin_permethod("../simout-noisecomp-test2/dat/sim_usrp_micsoft_fs2mhz_Ns25ks_*.dat")
Pinmin_permethod_13ms['ismtv'] = get_Pinmin("../measurements/pd/sneismtv/sim_sneismtv_micsoft_fs0mhz_Ns3ks_ed_n1838_*.dat")

methods = ['ed', 'scf', 'ccav', 'ccfn', 'cmac', 'cmme', 'ceme', 'cagm', 'cmet']
plot_comparisson(Pinmin_permethod_13ms, methods)
title("$t=12.5$ms (USRP @ $f_s=2$MHz, $N_s=25$ksamples, SNE-ISMTV @ $f_s=147$kHz, $N_s=1838$samples, noise compensation)");

#savefig("figures/pin_min_comparison_13ms.png", dpi=300)

In [51]:
Pinmin_permethod_10ms = get_batch_Pinmin_permethod("../simout-noisecomp-test2/dat/sim_usrp_micsoft_fs10mhz_Ns100ks_*.dat")
Pinmin_permethod_10ms['ismtv'] = get_Pinmin("../measurements/pd/sneismtv/sim_sneismtv_micsoft_fs0mhz_Ns3ks_ed_n1471_*.dat")

methods = ['ed', 'scf', 'cav', 'cfn', 'mac', 'mme', 'eme', 'agm', 'met']
plot_comparisson(Pinmin_permethod_10ms, methods)
title("$t=10.0$ms (USRP @ $f_s=10$MHz, $N_s=100$ksamples, SNE-ISMTV @ $f_s=147$kHz, $N_s=1471$samples)");

#savefig("figures/pin_min_comparison_10ms.png", dpi=300)

In [52]:
Pinmin_permethod_10ms = get_batch_Pinmin_permethod("../simout-noisecomp-test2/dat/sim_usrp_micsoft_fs10mhz_Ns100ks_*.dat")
Pinmin_permethod_10ms['ismtv'] = get_Pinmin("../measurements/pd/sneismtv/sim_sneismtv_micsoft_fs0mhz_Ns3ks_ed_n1471_*.dat")

methods = ['ed', 'scf', 'ccav', 'ccfn', 'cmac', 'cmme', 'ceme', 'cagm', 'cmet']
plot_comparisson(Pinmin_permethod_10ms, methods)
title("$t=10.0$ms (USRP @ $f_s=10$MHz, $N_s=100$ksamples, SNE-ISMTV @ $f_s=147$kHz, $N_s=1471$samples, noise compensation)");

#savefig("figures/pin_min_comparison_10ms.png", dpi=300)

In [ ]:

In [ ]: